If you go to your kitchen right now and run your finger over the entire top surface of your fridge, can you say that not a speck of dust will be found? Highly unlikely. At best, probably the area that can be reached by your duster, i.e half of the surface area, will be relatively dust free. The other half will likely have layers upon layers of dust accumulated. And that’s the top area only.
Can you imagine what’s lying behind and beneath your large kitchen appliances, aka your fridge and your oven? Unless you are an exceptionally clean-obsessed person, we can almost bet that those are two areas in a home that should get cleaned but that tend to be neglected until the home or apartment inspection at move-out time.
Cleaning BEHIND the Fridge and Oven
In order to extend the life of your large appliances and keep them humming along nicely, it’s recommended you clean them once to twice a year. Make sure you unplug the appliances, store your ice-cream somewhere else, and have a friend to help you move the units. Depending on the state of things, you’ll likely find a layer of dust on top of the fridge and lot of dust bunnies behind and below it; you likely will find dust bunnies, food traces and oil splatter behind, or on the side of, the oven.
Never fear, tackle them as you would anything else. Wipe down the top of the fridge and any top surfaces on your oven. Then in the areas below and behind the fridge use a hose attachment and clean the floor.
Do the same for the oven, just note that the wall(s) on the side(s) of the oven might be spattered with oil and food stuff so don’t hesitate to take a cleaning product and scrub the walls down. You don’t want your walls to feel sticky to the touch.
This should do the trick.
How often do you clean the areas behind your fridge and oven? Let us know.
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(Image: housetohome)