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washing or cleaning window sill

How to Clean or Wash Windows and Window Sills Like A Pro

washing or cleaning window sill

Washing windows and sills is a tiresome chore, but it’s even worse if you leave all the dirt on them. Learn how to do this like a pro.


Window sills

You can do this twice a year of more often, it depends on how often climate in your country allows windows to be open.

What you will need:

  • Dirty window sill
  • Cleaning toothbrush
  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • Microfibre cloth
  • Vacuum
  • Drop of dish soap or 1 tablespoon baking soda

The general suggestions is to get rid of as much dry dirt as possible before using a spray bottle. Water and dirt make mud and it makes a bigger problem to remove.

You should vacuum first in that way you can remove a larger debris. Use compressed air to spray the dust out, then vacuum up the remnants. If you have a very powerful vacuum you can use it to remove the dust.

Then, put a drop of dish soap or 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the spray bottle for extra cleaning, spray the window sill and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a cleaning toothbrush, brush the window sill track to lift off any caked on debris. Once you’ve thoroughly brushed the area, take a microfibre cloth and wipe the remaining residue. If you wrap the cloth around your finger, you can get into corners and scratch off any excess dirt easily.


If you see a black build up on the sides and the track on your window and it’s not quite dirt, then you have mold problem. You should call local mold remediation company right away.

If your outside windowsills get dirty so quickly you should apply a coat of floor wax to protect them. Because your exterior windows are exposed to the elements, they are subject to collecting a lot of dirt.



What you will need:

  • dirty windows
  • a few drops of dish liquid
  • Bucket
  • Squeegee
  • scrubbing pad
  • microfibre cloth

Starting on dry glass is one key to avoiding streaks. Dry 2.5 centimeter strip on side of each window and always start from there. Drop a few drops of dish liquid into your bucket and fill it about 1/2 way with warm water. Use the scrubbing pad to wash the windows and then use the squeegee to wipe them clean and dry. Use a squeegee with a smooth, soft rubber edge. Dip the scrubbing pad into your mixture and apply it to the glass in an S pattern. Try and get into all of the corners. Next, use the squeegee and starting at the top, wipe from one side to the other. The squeegee avoids drips and keeps streaks from forming. Then, you can use the microfibre cloth to wipe the frames and corners clean.

When you clean indoors, use less water on your scrubbing pad and place a rag or cloth or some towel at the bottom of the window to protect your window sills

Some homeowners have tried to clean the windows with the newspaper plus vinegar method and they have ended up with smears. Squeegees and microfibre cloths are just enough for properly washed windows because newspapers are made using latex and this will just smear the soap on your glass.
If the interior glass surface of your windows gets dirty unusually fast, you may need to change the filters on your air conditioner. Air-conditioner filters help trap that dirt.


Heads up:

Don’t wash windows in direct sunlight, because quickly dried glass is more susceptible to streaking. Evenings or cloudy days are the times for window washing.

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